Monday, November 24, 2014

How to find list of attributes in PAS (partial attribute set)

Purpose: Sometimes we need to find out what attributes are there in the PAS list used by the Active Directory environment. Sometimes just to make sure there isn't an attribute that you need to exist on all Global Catalog servers for a product or query to work. 

Steps: Following PowerShell command can be run on Domain Controller in your environment to get Display Name of attributes in PAS.

Get-ADObject -SearchBase "cn=Schema,cn=Configuration,dc=YourDomain,dc=com" -LDAPFilter "(isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet=TRUE)" -Properties lDAPDisplayName | Select lDAPDisplayName

Example : 

Get-ADObject -SearchBase "cn=Schema,cn=Configuration,dc=katwal,dc=local" -LDAPFilter "(isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet=TRUE)" -Properties lDAPDisplayName | Select lDAPDisplayName
Following PowerShell can be executed on the Domain Controller to get list of attributes 

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