Monday, February 25, 2008

IIS Error: Could not create a Disk Cache Sub-directory for the Application Pool

Today while working on an issue I have found out that all of my IIS requests have started to give HTTP 500 error messages, after looking at event logs I have found out error message similar to

The Template Persistent Cache initialization failed for Application Pool 'DefaultApplicationPool' because of the following error: Could not create a Disk Cache Sub-directory for the Application Pool. The data may have additional error codes.

After checking the following folders I have found out that IIS_WPG group was not present.

systemroot\System32\Inetsrv\ASP Compiled Templates
systemroot\IIS Temporary Compressed Files

On COMMON folder IIS_WPG should have 'Read and Execute', 'List folder contents' and 'Read' permissions.

On rest of the two folder IIS_WPG group should have full permissions.

After adding the permissions just restarted IIS and dependable services and all worked well.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

How to remove LINUX and GRUB/LILO from doul boot machines with Windows XP

****WARNING, before attempting mentioned below please take backup of your important files we take no responsibility of any issue caused by following the steps described below*******

1. Get hold of partition manager which will be able to let you delete partitions you want to delete. ***Still GRUB or LILO could be left on the system, at the end of thsi reply I will mention how to get rid of it*****

2. You can use Linux on CD distributions like Knoppix to boot from the CD and then remover/merge linux partitions to Windows.

3. If you have XP install cd then boot from the CD, log into recovery consol, it comes with a
partitioning management utility called 'diskpart' run this utility, this utility will be able to recogise FAT32,FAT and NTFS partition, then it will show you 'UNKNOWN' partitions too, these are the ones which are usually being used by Linux (more than one). More info about this utility is on technet site.

4. Google to download Gnome (a partition editor), you should be able to find its ISO on internet, once you have it burn a CD from the ISO. Once you have bootable cd of Gnome, boot form the cd, this utility will let you manage your partitions too

5. You can also use Windows XP disk management to remove linux partitions and fix GRUB or LILO. Usually windows shows "Unknown partition". It should work for Redhat and Suse Installs.
As I menitoned above, boot from XP cd and go to recovery consol, then you can use FIXBOOT and FIXMBR tools to get rid of GRUB or LILO. There are few articles on these utilities available on

Want to remove GRUB ?

How about LILO ?